Lies, Damn lies, and NatSec-stack
Just one year on from my prediction, Substack jumps right into bed with one of the biggest NatSec trolls in the US
(4 years ago to the day, via John Lucas / The Federalist)
Beloved reader - something fell into my lap. Well, realistically, Substack pushed it on me like a cable news network pushing the latest Pfizer booster. I didn’t go searching for it. I need to make that clear - I did not seek this prize out, though I am keeping it on my trophy wall with the rest of the DC clowns I’ve had the displeasure of interacting with over the years - from Robert Reich and David Frum, to sitting US politicians and cable pundits alike.
If you’ve been with us for some time, you understand that we at Counterspin don’t bother with all that pretense of smug moral superiority. We hit the subject of our pieces in the face with a metaphorical frying pan, taking absolutely no prisoners and holding absolutely no punches. We have never been much for feigned niceties, and we aren’t about to start today.
The subject of this piece is Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, former NatSec operative and now a pork barrel money sponge at Aberdeen, who has joined us on Substack. Rejoice, and flock to his page to give him many thank yous for his service in Trump-bad-ism. If one recalls, Vindman was integral to the unsuccessful 2018 impeachment of Donald Trump, relating to his refusal to send duly-Congressionally-doled military aid to Ukraine. This was, of course, spun as the world’s most important political problem in human history, outweighing even poverty and sickness itself. As far as made-for-cable-TV kangaroo court shows would go, this fever pitch wouldn’t be eclipsed until the made-for-cable-TV kangaroo court known as the Congressional January 6th, 2021 hearings.
Vindman would retain his legacy, having cemented himself as a faithful servant of the neoliberal warpig establishment. His face would grace further cable TV interviews, his name featured in glowing and reverent op-eds in every liberal publication from Boston to Los Angeles. Known in the annals of history as “the whistle blower who made the walls close in”. Unfortunately for him…
That wasn’t to be, as history actually shows. The impeachment simply didn’t work out the way anti-Trump neoliberals had hoped, and there was no conviction. Articles of impeachment were drawn, and then quickly tossed into the Rotunda waste paper basket. The legacy of heroism however remains, and I think it is undeserved. Putting aside my own personal opinion of Alexander Vindman’s heroism (or lack thereof) however, I feel something else needs to be discussed - yet again.
In a piece on this publication last year titled “Lies, Damn lies, and Subterfuge”, I eluded to the fact that Substack was slowly cozying up to the US security state apparatus, and I expected that unhealthy marriage to continue unabated; as nobody seemingly gave a damn. In another piece just a few weeks back, I eluded to the same problem yet again, and tried my hardest to point to it conclusively all the while giving healthy alternatives to such fascistic mergings of the state and corporate entities. My writings fell on sightless eyes, nobody at the Substack offices took a word I had to say with any merit. If they did, I would never have seen the following:
(Via Substack Notes, unfortunately it doesn’t seem to matter enough to draw an audience of more than 40)
I doubt I need to say more than the community already has been saying. I didn’t capture all of the comments on the post, but it was overwhelmingly negative. There were some positive responses, but the community responded negatively. They did not appreciate Substack using the platform to boost the prestige of what some describe as a “traitor”, though I simply see him as unwarrantedly important. A forced meme. Which, sadly, Substack is now happily forcing on us.
That all aside, it is quite sad how Substack continues to boost neoliberal/DNC Services Inc-approved operatives as serious political intellectuals, or people to take under consideration. They started this trend with Robert Reich, and have now moved straight into glowing welcomes for NatSec trolls.
This piece isn’t a call to action, or some vague attempt to get Vindman trolled by writers far more cutting and witty than I - far from it. None of that would help the situation and nor do I think it would have any desirable impacts. To the contrary, I am glad that Substack continues to expose itself as so indebted to the US security state apparatus - it removes anything coming close to a pretense of neutrality as a platform, and picks a side immediately. Fealty to the state, and glowing textual blowjobs for their most visible operatives.
We know that pretty much every US government agent, from the mailman to the director of the USDA, fancies themselves something of MI6 secret agents. Above the law, willing to do whatever is necessary to secure the predetermined outcome of the agency boss (or the person doling out the budget). In the case of Vindman, that will of course be the military/industrial complex. Standing in the way of their profits, even marginally as Trump did, was tantamount to treason in their minds. It had very little to do with the politics of Congressional budget law or fighting a proxy war with Russia, and very much to do with checks being printed and mailed to companies like Raytheon, General Dynamics, Lockheed, et al. - the donors to and financiers of the Congress who wrote the law doling the money out.
Mess with the money of the rich, and the rich go after you. That much is obvious. So why, dear reader, did a simple quip about dragging my balls through hot motor oil get so far under the skin of an elite psychological ops agent (that’s a joke) like Alexander Vindman? Is he really that reliant on Substack monies?
Most people of Vindman’s stature would have simply ignored my puerile comment, chalking it up as the words of an immature malcontent. However, Alexander revealed his own emotional maturity (rather, lack of) and decided to quote this benign off-hand remark to his audience of bored, middle-aged, easily frightened housewives.
The dog pile was, put politely, lamer than a Kathleen Kennedy-created character. I will not dignify any of the mollycoddled responses here as I prefer to only highlight the amusing or intellectually stimulating - those with vulgarity or meaningful content. You are welcome to view Alexander’s note and the comments for yourself, and I implore you to. Your tax money went to the intellect behind it.
So where does that leave Substack? It continues to foist these delusional partisans onto us as arbiters of truth, knowledge, science and history all-encompassing. It isn’t a pretty sight. Some welcome it, and though I question the intent, perhaps it is obvious - middle class neoliberals have money to burn. A shame we’re out of time to waste as a species.
In closing, I would simply ask my readers to continue their diligent skepticism of the information presented by companies like Substack and by agents like Alexander Vindman. You don’t have to share in my distaste of him, but I would beg you to keep a close eye on Substack and how it continues to cozy up with the state security apparatus. Next stop: Content Moderation City, brought to you by Pfizer.
Loading “Nat-secstack” in my rhetorical cannon right now.
Nelson-like in it’s impact. Never mind the maneuvers, go straight at them!
I wanted to comment on Vinmans Substack forum but only paid subscribers could... Thanks for addressing his opinion vs. policy. Trump MAKES policy. Vinman just was a lying vindictive trouble-maker.