Sep 16, 2023Liked by Rich Slutzky

I respect Jimmy Dore the way I have come to respect a lot of the old lefties who stuck with who they were. I don't always agree with his takes. Side note, if you find yourself agreeing with everything someone says, doublecheck to make sure you are not suffering from NPC Syndrome. Dore and other old lefties like Taibbi and Greenwald have several traits that separate them from the "resistance" liberals. First, they have real principles they believe in. Shocking, but it provides a consistency required to respect someone's opinion. Second, they are skeptical of the things they hear. Who knew doing your own research and not towing the official line might make you more trustworthy than the Robert Reich's of the world? Finally, they do not give a crap about any "peer pressure". They are pretty much the same people they have always been.

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"I will likely get $0 for writing this, and in the end the biggest gain is a very confused audience."

Preach it, brother. Let's fail at capitalism together.

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Please go to the hospital immediately.

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I’ve been informed that Peter Allard has been dead about a year now, and is unavailable for comment per his PR team. We regret the error.

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What a foolish statement. If we would’ve listened to a Ralph meter backing well-known charted Waters with more than likely a functioning society. Monday morning quarterback tells us that Ralph was right. About everything.

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Dec 6, 2023·edited Dec 6, 2023

"Does the evidence prove conclusively that Jimmy Dore received money in order for specific pay-to-play coverage of specific ideas?"

Jimmy himself confirms the first $5000 payment from Peter Allard at 06:15 in his video titled "Tribute To Truth & Justice Advocate Peter Allard". The screenshot of an email from Allard to Jimmy's wife linking to a video titled "No Climate Emergency say 500 scientists to UN" answers the second part of your question.

"Is there any evidence that Jimmy Dore’s content changed in such a manner as to point to such a moment in time to be influenced by the money?"

The video titled "Climate Change Way Worse Than We Thought" from 5 years ago versus "NASA Study Shows Climate Change Is Actually GREENING The Earth!" from earlier this year is an example of Jimmy changing position on a specific issue Allard pushed for, but of course it's impossible to prove that his funding influenced Jimmy and that it wasn't just a change of heart. It's also impossible to say whether Jimmy decided to hyperfocus on Allard's other pet peeve (covid) because of money and not because he personally suffered from mild vaccine side effects.

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